¡Avancemos! – Español 1 – Unidad 1, Lección 2

1.      ¿Cómo eres tú? – What are you like? What is your personality or appearance?

2.      artístico(a) – artistic

3.      atlético(a) – athletic

4.      bueno(a) – good, good natured

5.      cómico(a) – funny, comical

6.      desorganizado(a) – disorganized

7.      estudioso(a) – studious

8.      inteligente – intelligent

9.      malo(a) – bad, bad natured

10.    organizado(a) – organized

11.    perezoso(a) – lazy

12.    serio(a) – serious

13.    simpático(a) – nice

14.    trabajador(a) – hard-working

15.    alto(a) – tall

16.    bajo(a) – short (height)

17.    bonito(a) – pretty

18.    grande – big, large

19.    guapo(a) – good-looking, attractive

20.    joven – young  (jóvenes – young plural)

21.    pelirrojo(a) – red-haired

22.    pequeño(a) – small

23.    viejo(a) – old

24.    Yo tengo – I have

25.    Él tiene pelo rubio. – He has blonde hair.

26.    Ella tiene pelo castaño. – She has brown hair.

27.    el amigo, la amiga – friend  (male/female)

28.    la chica – girl

29.    el chico – boy

30.    el estudiante, la estudiante – student (male/female)

31.    el hombre – man

32.    la mujer – woman

33.    la persona – person

34.    muy – very

35.    un poco – a little

36.    porque – because  (Por que – Why?)

37.    todos(as) – all, every whole

Noun-Adjective Agreement

***An adjective must agree in number and gender with the noun it is describing!***

If an adjective ends in a vowel, add “s” to make it plural.

If an adjective ends in a consonant, add “es” to make it plural.

An adjective usually gets placed behind the noun it describes.

EX:  las chicas bonitas – the pretty girls

los chicos populares – the popular boys

el estudiante nuevo – the new student

Exception:  A quantity adjective gets placed in front of the noun it describes.

Yo tengo tres libros.  I have 3 books.

Definite and Indefinite Articles – Making Nouns Plural

Nouns in Spanish have gender.  The noun is either masculine or feminine.

If a noun ends in “-o”, it is usually masculine.

If a noun end in “-a”, “-cion” or “-dad” it is usually feminine.

Some nouns don’t follow these rules, and need to be memorized.


el, la, los, las = the

el & la are used with singular nouns.

los & las are used with plural nouns.




El turns into los

La turns into las


Un turns into unos              un, una – a, an

Una turns into unas            unos, unas – some, any, a few



If the noun ends in a vowel, add “s”

If the noun ends in consonant, add “es”

If the noun ends in “z”, change the “z” to a “c”, and “es”



la amiga → las amigas

el libro → los libros

el examen → los examenes

el lapiz → los lapices